Be The Best You Can Be

Welcome from our Headteacher.

Welcome to Carleton Park Junior & Infant School.

All staff at Carleton Park strive to ensure that our pupils are provided with the opportunity to be the best they can be.

We aim to inspire, challenge and support our pupils to achieve, through our school values RESPECT - RESILIENCE - INDEPENDENCE - TEAMWORK - EXCELLENCE all of which underpin our school motto BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE.

In 2023, we were extremely proud of our Year 6 cohort, who achieved some magnificent Key Stage 2 SATs outcomes. These outcomes build upon the unbelievable achievements we have seen as a school consistently over the last 6 years.  In reading, writing and maths the outcomes resulted in Carleton Park being placed in the top 1% of the country. In terms of the pupil's progress scores, our pupils were also placed in the top 1% in the country respectively for reading, writing and maths!

To be crowned the number 1 school in Wakefield and to be joint 1st in West Yorkshire for pupil attainment is something we are overwhelmingly proud of.

At Carleton Park we place great pride in the community links we have formed. We understand the wider impact this positive relationship has on our pupils development. Through this great partnership our pupils want to attend school. Consistently our school attendance is well above the national average for all pupil groups, especially for those children who are SEND and Disadvantaged.

The school’s broad and well sequenced curriculum model encourages pupils to excel in one or more areas and to grow in confidence and develop new skills. Our approach seeks to identify and maximise the strengths of every individual and to help all pupils to overcome any obstacles to their success. At the end of their educational journey at Carleton Park School, we hope our pupils have developed a real and genuine passion for learning, whilst experiencing lots of fun and enjoyable experiences along the way.

Children at Carleton Park will experience a superb wider curriculum offer. Though the school's attainment is exceptional, this is certainly not at the detriment of wider school experiences. At Carleton Park we are proud of the personal development offer we hold; our children work towards achieving, 'Our 50 Experiences' on a bespoke school passport! We believe it is important that our young people have a range of exceptional experiences that will build their cultural awareness and knowledge of the wider world; empowering them to make informed choices and become responsible citizens.

At Carleton Park we understand that the learning taking place in each classroom day-in-day out is the cornerstone of our success. That is why we place great emphasis on the development of our staff. Our highly skilled and dedicated team have access to a rich and research informed CPD programme and this has a positive impact on both our school's excellent academic and pastoral provision.

We hope you enjoy finding out more about our fantastic school as we constantly seek to improve, encouraging our pupils and wider community to be the best they can be.


Mr J Ayre


A day in the life of Carleton Park Junior & Infant School.


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School Games Gold Level Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched… Read more

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