
At Carleton Park we believe that for children to get the most from their education it is vital that they attend regularly. They should be at school, on time, every day the school is open; unless a reason for absence is unavoidable. It is very important that parents ensure that this happens.

School gates open at 8.30am and children are to line up outside their classrooms at 8.45am. Registration closes at 9am, children who arrive after 9am will need to enter through the main reception doors to be marked as late.


Attendance Target


Arriving 10 minutes late every day


Means they miss 32 hours of lesson time each year


Which is equivalent to 6 whole school days lost

Our Attendance Policy aims to improve attendance and punctuality, and sets out how we will achieve this together.

Holidays During Term Time

The Headteacher is not able to authorise holidays in term time except in special circumstances. If you wish to take your child out of school during term time then you will need to submit an Absence Request form. Please be aware that the Education Welfare Department may impose a fixed penalty if your child is away for five days or more.